Adding a Donate Us button to your blog is a wise idea as it can help you earn some money from your visitors if they liked your blog.Many people didn't know how to do this.So this post will help you.
1.Go to this link and select Create a New Button.Note:You should not be logged into your Paypal account before doing this.If you are,then log out before going further.
2.Add your details as shown in picture below.
3.Click on Create Button and you will get a HTML code.Simply copy the code and add it your your blog as an HTML Gagdet.
1.Go to this link and select Create a New Button.Note:You should not be logged into your Paypal account before doing this.If you are,then log out before going further.
2.Add your details as shown in picture below.
3.Click on Create Button and you will get a HTML code.Simply copy the code and add it your your blog as an HTML Gagdet.