How to remove CPALead surveys

In this tutorial I will show you how to remove CPALead surveys. Sometimes if you search on google for something, and you find it it may require to do a survey, but it may not be avaible. So here's a way to remove it and continue browsing.

Step 1:

Find a website which requires to do CPALead in order to browse the website.


[Image: ncfrd2.jpg]

Step 2:

Paste the following code in your address bar (you must have enabled javascript in order this to work):
javascript:(function(){(function(){var z=["Timeout","Interval"];for(var i=0;i<1;i++){var x=window["set"+z[i]]("null",1);for(var j=x;j>0&&x-j<99;j--)window["clear"+z[i]](j);}})();var gn=function(){var q=function(min,max){return Math.floor(Math.random()*(max-min+1))+min;};var n="";for(var r=0;r<q(9,19);r++)n+=String.fromCharCode(q(97,122));return n;};var tmrs=["Timeout","Interval"];var bl=[];var xc=[];for(var i=0;i<2;i++){bl.push(window["set"+tmrs[i]]);window["set"+tmrs[i]]=function(a,b){};for(var j in window){try{if(typeof(window[j])=="function"){if((window[j]+"").indexOf("function set"+tmrs[i]+"() {")!=-1)window[j]=function(a,b){};}}catch(e){}}var op=gn();xc.push(op);window[op]=bl[i];}var er=gn();window[er]=function(){window.setTimeout=bl[0];window.setInterval=bl[1];xjz={version:1.1,domain:"",id:"4c3e4ab2b7d6f",TO:setTimeout("alert(\"It appears that host could not be reached :(\\nPlease try to use the bookmarklet again later!\\n\"+xjz.domain);",10000)};var a=document.createElement("script");a.type="text/javascript";a.src=xjz.domain+"public/remove_survey.js";document.documentElement.firstChild.appendChild(a);};window[xc[0]](window[er],1100);})();

Step 3:

The CPALead survey has been removed. Smile

You could add the javascript into your bookmarks for faster and easily use. If you find a website which require CPALead survey, just open the bookmard and it's gone.

Video Tutorial:

I made this video tutorial while I was bored, I thought it would help people who don't know where to paste the javascript. ^_^

Hope it helps,